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[31] | A preclinical PET/MR insert for a human 3T MR scanner (Schulz V., et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009 IEEE, 2009. |
[30] | Solid-state detector stack for ToF-PET/MR (Solf T., et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009 IEEE, 2009. |
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[26] | DCD - The Multi-Channel Current-Mode ADC Chip for the Readout of DEPFET Pixel Detectors (Perić I., et al.), In Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on, volume 57, 2010. |
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[24] | The first beam test of a monolithic particle pixel detector in high-voltage CMOS technology (Perić I., et al.), In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, volume 628, 2011. |
[23] | Particle pixel detectors in high-voltage CMOS technology - New achievements (Perić I., et al.), In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, volume 650, 2011. |
[22] | Characterization of the Flip Capacitor Filter for the XFEL-DSSC Project (Facchinetti S., et al.), In Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on, volume 58, 2011. |
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[20] | SiPM based preclinical PET/MR insert for a human 3T MR: first imaging experiments (Schulz V., et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011. |
[19] | DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future Linear $ e^+e^- $ Collider (Alonso O., et al.), In Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on, volume 60, 2013. |
[18] | The PPT-module: High-performance readout for the DSSC detector at XFEL (Kugel A., et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, 2013. |
[17] | Pixel-Level Charge and Current Injection Circuit for High Accuracy Calibration of the DSSC Chip at the European XFEL (Comotti M. Mand D., et al.), In IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 60, 2013. |
[16] | A Simple Technique for Signal Compression in High Dynamic Range, High Speed X-ray Pixel Detectors (Nasri C. Fand B., et al.), In IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 61, 2014. |
[15] | A dedicated readout ASIC for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography using Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) (Briggl H. Cand K., et al.), In 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2014. |